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Ring joint gaskets are high temperature, high pressure gaskets largely used in offshore and onshore petrochemical applications. They are precision-engineered components designed to be used in conjunction with precision machined flanges. All our Ring joints are manufactured according to ASME B16.20 and API 6A.

Maximum Hardness for Ring Gaskets
NOTES :(1) May be low-carbon steel, not to exceed maximum hardness of 90 Brinell-56 Rockwell “B”.
(2) Other CRAs
(2-1) Ring gaskets material shall conform to the manufacturer’s written specification.
(2-2) Hardness shall meet manufacturer’s written specification.
▣ Materials
General. Ring-joint gasket materials, some of which are listed in Table 1, shall be selected by the user based on suitability for the service conditions.
It is recommended that ring-joint gaskets be of a lesser hardness than that of the mating flanges.

Ring-joint gaskets of materials listed in Table 1 shall have a hardness equal to or less than that shown in Table 1
SSI 811R & SSI 812R

(a) All dimensions are in millimeters.
(b) Tolerances :
      P           = average pitch diameter of ring, ±0.18
      A           = width of ring, ±0.2
      B, H      = height of ring, +1.3, -0.5
Variation in height throughout the entire circumference of any given ring shall not exceed 0.5 within these  tolerances.
      C          = width of flat on octagonal ring, ±0.2
      R1        = radius in ring, ±0.5
      23 deg = angle, ±0 deg 30 min
(c) End flanges to API 6D and API 600 use gaskets for equivalent pipe size under ASME B16.5 or ASME
B16.47 series A.
(c-1) Class 720, 960, and 10000 flanges to API 6B are obsolete. Data are for information only.
(c-2) R-30 is for lapped jonit only.

SSI 813 RX
(a) All dimensions are in millimeters.
(b) Tolerances :
OD = outside diameter or ring, +0.51, -0.00A = width of ring, +0.20, -0.00
Variation in width throughout the entire circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.10 within these tolerances.
C = width of flat, +0.15, -0.00D = height of outside bevel, +0.0, -0.76H = height of ring, +0.20, -0.00
Variation in height throughout the entire circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.10 within these tolerances.
R1 = radius of ring, ±0.523 deg = angle, ±0 deg 30 min
E = hole size, ±0.5

(1) Rings RX-82 through RX-91 only require one pressure passage hole as illustrated. The centerline of the hole shall be located at the midpoint of dimension C.
(2) Tolerance on these dimensions is +0.00, -0.38.
(3) Tolerance on these dimensions is +0.5, -0.0.
(4) Class 720, 960, and 2900 flanges to API 6B are obsolete. Data are for information only.
(5) Crossover flange connection.
SSI 814 BX
(a) All dimensions are in millimeters.
(b) Radius, R, shall be 8% to 12% of the gasket height, H.
(c) Tolerances :
     OD = outside diameter of ring, +0.00, -0.15
      H = height of ring, +0.20, -0.00
               Variation in height throughout the entire circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.10 within these  tolerances.
        A = width of ring, +0.20, -0.00
              Variation in width throughout the entire circumference of any ring shall not exceed 0.10 within these              tolerances.
         ODT = outside diameter of flat, ±0.05
          C = width of flat, +0.15, -0.00
          D = hole size, ±0.5
          R = radius of ring [see General Note (b)]
          23 deg = angle, ±0 deg 15 min

(1) One pressure passage hole is required per gasket as illustrated. The centerline of the hole shall be located at the midpoint of dimension C.
SSI 815 Bridgeman Ring Joint Gasket
They are of unique pressure-energized type gaskets. Bridgeman’s “Principle of Unsupported Area” is made-used of for the design of these types. The gaskets are designed to seal by utilizing pressure loaded on flating head.
SSI 815 Bridgeman Ring Joint Gaskets’ Specific Designs
SAM SUNG INDUSTRY can supply the best quality products that manufactured in accordance with customers’ designs if customers reguire specific designs about bridgeman ring joint gaskets.
SSI 816 Delta Ring Joint Gasket
SSI 817 Lens Ring Joint Gasket
1) Please state the required material in your order.
2) When there are no other instructions the lenses are delivered with the minimum diameters.
The final dimension of the inner diameter is to machine in accordance with the inner diameter of the used flanges.
★ The dimension “a” represents the content of the works standard 108.
SSI 810 IX Seal Ring
Clamp Seal(Seal ring for clamp connector)
This seal ring is a special type of ring gasket used for clamp connector or clamp lock. It is dimensioned to fit the customer's specifications and is coated with the same color of PTFE as IX seal


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

SSI 810 IX Seal Ring

SSI 810 IX Seal Ring  IX seal ring   Norsok Flange and IX seal ring    How the NCF5 works   The IX Seal-rings are designed and used where the NORSOK CFC (Compact Flange Connections) are in use. The rings come in fore different kinds of steel and are coated with PTFE in varying colors in order to distinguish between them. Standard identification NORSOK STANDARD L-005 (NCF5). IX Seal-ring은 NORSOK CFC (Compact Flange Connections)가 사용되는 곳에서 설계되고 사용됩니다. 링은 서로 4종의 스틸이 있으며 서로 구분하기 위해 다양한 색상의 PTFE로 코팅되어 있습니다. 표준 식별방법은 NORSOK 표준 L-005 (NCF5)을 따릅니다.     Typical seal ring materials The NCF5 uses a steel seal ring (IX). Typical minimum yield stress and ultimate stress for the seal ring material is 300 MPa and 360 MPa, respectively, in order to allow for reasonably elastic springback. Lower strength may be used, but is not recommended. The user is responsible for selecting a seal ring material which is suitable for the service med...


METAL O - RING GASKET Metal O-ring is unique gasket made of meta tube which is formed and buttwelded into a round shape or other shapes. The gasket is equipped with various advantages and it can be formed into various shapes according to the shape of mating face and can be used for high temperature, high pressure and ultra-vacuum services. It is the most suitable gasket for sealing such machinery and equipments that space factor and compactness are accounted much of for their designs. Special surface coating is available according to necessity.   Metal O-ring은 메타 튜브로 만든 독특한 가스켓으로 둥근모양 또는 다른모양으로 만들어지고 접합된다. 다양한 장점을 가지고 있으며, 낮은 체결력으로 밀봉될 수 있고, 결합면의 모양에 따라 다양한 형태로 형성될 수 있으며 고온, 고압 및 초 진공서비스에 사용될 수 있다. 이러한 기계 및 장비를 밀봉하기 위한 최적이 가스켓으로 공간계수 및 소형화가 설계에 많이 반영된다. 필요에 따라 특수 표면 코팅이 가능하다.   NOTES 1. The temperature resistance of coated metal O-ring is govemed by either tube or coating material. 2. PTFE coating is black in color.         ...

SSI 850 Basic Type Metal O-ring

SSI 850 Basic Type Metal O-ring   Basic type Metal O-Ring made of metal tube, which is formed and buttwelded into various shapes. It is suitable for medium pressure service ranging from 10^-12 torr vacuum to 70㎏/㎠ [6.8 Mpa]. It is necessary to use with a retainer ring when used on raised or flat face flange. Basic Type Metal O-Riing은 금속 튜브로 만들어지며 다양한 형태로 형성됩니다. 10^-12torr 진공에서 70kg/cm2 [6.8MPa]까지의 중압 서비스에 적합합니다. Raised 또는 Flat Face 플랜지에 사용되는 경우 리테이너 링과 함께 사용해야합니다.     Applications Vacuum equipments, combustion engines, electronic apparatus, heavy electric machinery and apparatus. Hydraulic machinery and equipments, plastic forming machines, on joints in aircrafts, pile. etc.       NOTES Use plated or PTFE coated metal O-ring in vacuum and general gases.     http://www.ssigp.com/eng/